The days between Christmas and New years eve was some very good days for NA-DXing.In the morning of 27th December a Fox sports station caught my interest on 1260 as the ordinary ones here use to be CKHJ or WMKI in my listening cottage. At 7 o´clock came the revealing ID as "Sportsradio 12-60 WNDE AM -WFBQ HD2 in Indianapolis" . The station use to be heard a few times each year, mostly in the expeditions cites up north. V/s Tom Doran, Dir. of Sales confirmed my reception today.
the Monuments Circle you find The Soldiers and Sailors Monument commemorates Indiana´s war heroes who died serving in wars before World War I .
Indianapolis is also the home of "The greatest spectacle in racing " Indy 500 at Indianapolis Motor speedway. A huge racing oval that covers 253 acres, big enough to fit Churchill Downs,Yankee Stadium,The Rose Bowl,The Roman Colosseum and Vatican City inside the IndianaMotorSpeedway oval!
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