söndag 21 april 2013

WITY Danville IL -980

During the very good conditions towards north america, 7-13th of January this year, I heard quite a few stations on 980kHz and one of them was "98 WITY" which was a new one for me. The station broadcast farm programs, news and easy-listening music.  Both Bill Collins and Andrew Dudich verified my reception and Andrew wrote among other  :

  Thank you for your e-mail. You indeed were listening to 980AM WITY from Danville, Illinois, U.S.A.  The identification you heard is voiced by Max Armstrong, a farm broadcaster who helps us with special farm promotions and remotes.  It is interesting to let you know that we have had a few other letters recently from other DX-ers in Sweden and Finland. Our Northern directional pattern seems to be shooting over the North Pole often lately.  I just responded to another listener in Täby."

He also tell´s me that the transmitter is located in East Central Illinois at Danville, 4 miles west of the border with the state of Indiana. 

HOZ38 BBN Panamá -1350

A few times over the years I been able to hear this station but never received a response of my letters to them. But recently I got a tip from a dx friend  and soon Hugo Salinas verified my reception with a nice letter:

"Apreciado Bernt- Ivan, gracias por tomar el tiempo para comunicarse desde tan lejano lugar. Escuche la grabacio que envio y le confirmo que esa es la identificacion tipica y regular de nuestra radio BBN 1350 AM en ciudad de Panama - Panama en centro america. 
Seria un gusto conocerlos, deseo que Dios los bendiga y me parece un hobby muy interesante, yo naci en un pueblo pequeño en Bolivia y tenia una radio multibandas, y me dedicaba a captar radios de lugares lejanos. todavía tengo ese interes, pero no tengo una radio buena para hacerlo, pero espero tener pronto. 
BBN es un ministerio de Radio Cristiana, transmitimos en 8 idiomas por internet, y tenemos mas de 80 emisoras en Latino america.  Nuestra pagina web es www.bbnradio.org

Un gran abrazo para usted y su familia. 

Hugo Salinas
BBN Panama"

PJD-2 Voice of Sint Maarten, Philipsburg -1300

Its always nice to catch  caribbean tunes in the headphones and in the morning  of October 12th  last year I stumbled over 1300kHz  where reaggemusic was flowing. Soon after TOH I heard the announcement "This is the Voice of Sint Maarten PJD-2 1300 AM...Philipsburg" . After some months Steven Cyrillien verified my reception :
I can confirm to you that it was our radio station, PJD 2 1300 am (Voice of St. Maarten). you heard. We became a commercial radio station some 40 years ago on the 1st of January 1973. This year, we are celebrating our 40th anniversary and as a result, we have planed a list of several events to be had in observation. 
Best regards"

On October 10th 2010 Sint Maarten became a constituent country within the Kingdom of the Nederlands.
It encompasses the southern half of the caribbean island of Saint Martin, while the northern part of the island constitutes the french  overseas collectivity of  Saint-Martin.

onsdag 3 april 2013

WCPT Willow Springs IL -820

During the amazing conditions the first weeks of January this year I noticed a jumble of stations on 820kHz one morning.
Just before the TOH a weak signal breaked thru with a announcement as  " Chicago´s Progressive Talk AM & FM" .Had no idea who this could be but after checking the NRC Log I understood that I had heard the faint signal of WCPT .
Matt Comings ,Op Mgr confirmed my reception.

CJWW Saskatoon SK -600

This station with its nice  C&W music  was heard the same morning ,10th of January, as the other SK stations. It is situated in Saskatoon , a town on the banks of South Saskatchewan  River with a population of 240 000.
Rod Kitter, PD  confirmed my reception  swiftly, Thanks!

CKSW Swift Current SK -570

Some minutes after I caught CHAB-800 I also found this station with strong signals at the lower AM Band  identifying as   "You´re listening to Country Music Radio along with L R Superwatch...CKSW 5-70 The station you grew up with..."
Dave Funk send me a nice email a few days later:

CHAB Moose Jaw SK -800

During the morning of 10th of January I had a swing of the propagation towards Saskatchewan. On 800 I heard  "another hour of the greatest hits of all time starts now with the classic station - This is 800 CHAB" followed by Creedence Clearwaters Reviveals "Who´ll stop the rain".  I soon received emails from both  Ken Fisher ,Engineer and Jim Strom who wrote:
 Yes! You heard 800 CHAB from Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada! Very cool. I'm a retired school teacher working at our radio stations as a hobby-jobby. My grandfather came from Vaasa, Finland a long time ago. I've been told my name, "Strom" is Swedish rather than Finnish. Nice to hear from you. All the best from "the greatests hits of all time, 800 CHAB"!
Jim S.

måndag 1 april 2013

KCLK Asotin WA -1430

In the morning 10th of January  I had good propagations toward the Prairies and the west coast. On 1430khz  I got nice reception of KCLK  with ID as " We are the only all around the clock sport station ESPN Radio AM 14-30 The Sports Fan -KCLK"  The station is located in the small but beautiful Asotin in the southeastern corner of the state of Washington. It´s the last city along the Snake River route to Hell´s Canyon, North Americas deepest river gorge at 2436m. The citys name, Asotin, is from the Nez Perce language (spoken by the Nez Perce tribe) and means  "place of eel" from the abundance of eels caught here.
Mark Bone verified my reception and told me he just started to get involved in Amateur radio