onsdag 11 december 2013

WXTG Hampton VA -1490

In late evening Dec 25th 2011 I heard a sports station which referenced a fotball game. A few promos for Compass Media network was heard together with the slogan "American new home for AFL Fotball, this is the Game"  After 30 minutes I finally heard the ID as  "WXTG Fox Sports Radio - The Game is WXTG FM, WXTG AM Red Zebra Broadcasting".  It was difficult to find a working email  but finally I came in contact with BT Briggs, Op. Prod. and Traffic/PSA Director  who confirmed my reception.

CMGL R Sancti Spíritus,Yaguajay -1200

The 17th of January 2012 I had a nice opening towards Cuba  and for the first time I heard R Sancti Spíritus from the northern city of Yaguajay. The station also has transmitters in Trinidad (1190) and in Sancti Spírtitus (1210) which is the strongest with a power of 10kW.
Webmaster  Wilber Zada Rosendi verified my reception  and wrote that I had heard a part of the programme Seleciones Musicales.

söndag 8 december 2013

OAU6A Radio Milenio Universal, Arequipa -1540

In April 2011 I had  a few mornings with many signals from Peru.On 1540 I had signals from R Corporacion and Turbo Mix the 19th and the next morning conditions favoured  more southern parts of the country and I was lucky to hear Radio Milenio Universal from Arequipa on the same QRG.  Had  problems finding a contact address until I found them on Facebook. Manuel Alfredo Montes Urday verified my recording and that it also was his own voice I had heard announce "Radio Milenio Universal 1540kHz Amplitud Modulada" .
 La Plaza de Armas de ciudad de Arequipa

OBX4W Callao Super Radio , Lima -1400

This one use to be heard with huge signals in late spring at sunrise if the conditions favour Peru.  Got a nice Facebook message from Hernán Espinoza Neyra verifying my reception and also mentioned that it was his voice I heard reading the comercials.